
I took a day off to finish the indoors organization I had scheduled for this summer. I thought I’d tackle the three “rooms” (actually all being one space) in half a day max, but it took me the whole day!

I’ll start with the easiest area, being the “play space” for the kids. The space also has a fireplace (last time used in the 80’s, we burn only candles there) and has an access to the bathroom and backyard.


I thought the area looked more like a pass through area than a functional space so I did some rearrangement with the furnitures. I also widened the space a bit (and made living room smaller) so that it would’t get too crowded.


The organization part of the room was quite good already. I just put the random items from the top of the fireplace to their right place. I also took all the toys down (also on top of the fireplace) so that the kids can reach those without any help.


I dream that some day this space could be a reading corner too… Imagine winter day, candles burning in the fireplace and me reading a good book in the sofa, while kids are playing nicely… 😉

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